Saturday, November 12, 2005

Thursday, September 15, 2005

My Graduation

It was recently brought to my attention that my blog was too impersonal so will start adding some photos. Whilst this was a few years ago, it is still the only time I have ever worn a dress!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Basics on Exercising for Weight Loss

The reason why many people fail in their weight loss goals is because they over-analyze what they are doing, get disheartened, then quit. Here I will let you know in simple terms what you need to do to succeed with a new exercise program.
Firstly, you just need to move. Walk around the house, up and down the stairs, to the shops, it all counts. If you move more now than what you did before then you are in front.
If you are unfit start with short walks. You would have read that you should exercise for at least 30 minutes per day but if that is too much for you, you are better off starting with 5 minutes, then building it up to 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can complete 3-4 * 5 minutes walks per day, which will bring you results faster. If you can sustain 30-60 minutes then try to change the course you walk/run each day of the week. This will at least change the scenery. Also, find a friend who is fitter than you to exercise with. They will provide motivation and be less likely to quit on you.
Now having a program will do little good if you aren't training regularly. Forget the excuses. If you really want the results, you will find a way:
Knee/ankle injury: swim
Have kids: take them with you or find a friend who also wants to exercise and look after each other's kids whilst the other exercises.
Don't have time: well find 30 minutes. I'm sure you could find the time to do something to save your life (and one day it may come to that)
Don't have energy: you will find that you will actually have more energy once you increase your fitness level
You will have days where you just don't want to exercise. We all have them. These are the days when you must train. If consistency is the key to success, then training on the days you don't feel like it is paramount, because you will have more of those than days you feel like it. The way accomplish this is to have shorter or less intense sessions on these days. Now of course you can't be having these types of sessions every day but if you can push through your un-motivated periods doing this then you will succeed.
So that is it. Find a form of exercise you enjoy, start at a sensible intensity, and do it consistently!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Choosing the Right Exercise

I am often asked "What is the best exercise for weight loss?". The answer is quite simple. The best exercise is the exercise you enjoy doing, or for those of you who don't enjoy any form of exercise choose the exercise you hate the least.
The form of exercise you choose is very important because it will have a direct effect on the success of your program. If you don't enjoy it, you won't keep doing it. I often find that for people who don't enjoy any form of exercise, walking is usually a good starting point. Try to drag a friend or family member along as it will pass the time and make your training a little more social. Once you have built up fitness, you can have a go at something a bit more demanding.
If walking is not your thing, try tennis, swimming, or join a fitness centre. Many fitness centres offer much more than just weights and aerobics these days and you may just find something you will enjoy. As for the more mature people, quite a lot of fitness centres offer special classes for your age group which focus on increasing functional strength and flexibility.
'Stay at home mums' should also consider joining a local sporting competition. Many sports associations offer day time competitions in Netball, Basketball, etc. It doesn't matter if you don't know anyone as they will find a team for you. Don't worry about the kids, if they offer a day time competition, they will also have childminding facilities.
If you can't see yourself doing any of that, check out our website (Training Diary) and train at home!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Starting Out

I think the most important aspect of an exercise program when starting out is consistency. Choosing which program to follow can be quite daunting. Every fitness professional (and gym user) has their own formula for gaining success, but all methods will provide very little long term gain if your training is not consistent. A consistent program means training 3+ times per week. It doesn't have to be the same program each time. You can walk, swim, do weights, aerobics, cycle, absolutely anything. Just Move!


Hi to all!
Thank you for taking the time to explore my new blog: The Ramblings of a Modern Fitness Freak!